24 February 2012

Whisper Available

The whisper is now uploaded. Go to the 'Whisper' page for more information.

Have a great weekend.

17 February 2012

February Commission Update

I have just received my first commission for the year! (Okay, well my first papercut commission ever -thanks Renae at One Red Bird!) 

It's in the design stage now so no pics yet but as soon as the knife comes out & the cutting begins, I'll take pics so I can share the process. 

Stay tuned for progress updates.

11 February 2012

Valentine's Day 'LOVE' Papercut

FOR SALE - 1 currently available
'LOVE' papercut - February 2012
 Intricate pattern inside the word LOVE especially for Valentine's Day
Handcut on red card & framed in a 4"x6" clear, acrylic, magnetic frame