29 October 2012

"Love & Light" Papercut

It has been a long time coming, but I finally have a new papercut to share. This one I made for a very dear friend for her birthday. She has always signed off emails, cards & letters with this sentiment over the past 19 years that I have known her & so I thought it would be perfect to send her some "love & light" back. Love you heaps my gorgeous friend xox
Original Papercut - hand cut on acid free paper - Sept 2012

30 May 2012

My Heart - New Papercut

This new papercut is the piece I was working on for my husband (Steve) last week when I shared a sneak peek of it with everyone. It looks very different now that it is finished and I am really happy with how it has turned out. I was a little concerned that Steve may have found it a little 'girly' & 'cutesy' but he says not although now he has put in a request for another one to do with his other love - fishing!!! It was our 6th wedding anniversary two weeks ago so I thought it was about time I did a little papercut just for him so here it is - 

 "my HEART is overflowing with LOVE for you"

Original Papercut - hand cut on acid free paper

Close up of detail (right side)

Close up of detail (left side)

23 May 2012

What is going on today ...

What is going on in my studio today???
(Well firstly I should clarify that by studio I actually mean my dining room table!)

I am working on a new papercut that isn't a commission - it is a piece from my heart (which will be for my husband) and I am listening to some great tunes. Currently playing - Gotye "Somebody that I used to know" (love that song). I am really excited about this one & can't wait to see it finished.

Here's just a sneaky look at it because I don't want him to see it yet.

16 May 2012

Family Tree Commission

Family Tree Commission - May 2012
Handcut on acid free card stock

11 May 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Bunch of Flowers for Mum! Papercut - May 2012
Handcut on acid free, black card stock, acid free patterned & white paper background
(I realised I needed to show it as a finished piece so I have done a little tweaking & it is now finished with background papers and framed - ready to go)

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers this Sunday. I hope you are all treated a wonderful day starting with breakfast in bed; are showered in gifts and create special memories with your children and families. It's your day to be spoilt and you deserve it, so break out some champagne and celebrate your magnificence because there is nobody who is just like you!

7 May 2012

J&L Anniversary Papercut

J&L 10yr Anniversary Papercut
May 2012

To celebrate their 10 year anniversary, my dear friends James & Louise hosted a wonderful dinner celebration with family and friends. I asked them to give me a quote, a song or a saying that held meaning for them so I could translate that into a paper cut gift for them & they came back to me with the beautiful words "Take time to laugh, dream, love and live". Well I loved it the minute I heard it and it was definately fun to create this special piece just for them. I congratulate them on 10 wonderful years together and wish them happiness, joy & love forever more in the future.

14 April 2012

We all need something

This is so lovely that I have to share it.

I think we could all use one of these close by. It's not always easy to connect with a bit of 'Beauty' or feel 'Courage' or have some 'Rest' but if we have this somewhere handy at home or at our desk maybe we would consider taking a moment to connect with what we are needing and acting on it more often.

I am feeling a little tired tonight so my word of need would be 'Rest'. What's yours?

If you would like to print out a copy of the poster, go to the link above to find a free download.

2 April 2012

Freedom to Fly Papercut

In keeping with my 'word' of the month - "ASPIRE" - I created this papercut based on my aspiration to always have the "freedom to fly".

 "freedom to fly" papercut - March 2012
Handcut on acid free paper, coloured with 'creation blue' spray paint
Framed in a 8"x10", off-white coloured, wooden frame

30 March 2012

Whisper Available

The whisper is now uploaded. Go to the 'Whisper' page to view this month's special.

Have a good weekend everyone.

1 March 2012

Word of the Month

It is the 1st of March & the first day of Autumn and so it is time for the word of the month. This month I want to create some individual word papercuts that are motivating and inspiring and so the word to get the theme started is ASPIRE


  1. Direct one's hopes or ambitions toward achieving something: "we never thought that we might aspire to those heights".
  2. Rise high; tower.
yearn - strive - hanker

24 February 2012

Whisper Available

The whisper is now uploaded. Go to the 'Whisper' page for more information.

Have a great weekend.

17 February 2012

February Commission Update

I have just received my first commission for the year! (Okay, well my first papercut commission ever -thanks Renae at One Red Bird!) 

It's in the design stage now so no pics yet but as soon as the knife comes out & the cutting begins, I'll take pics so I can share the process. 

Stay tuned for progress updates.

11 February 2012

Valentine's Day 'LOVE' Papercut

FOR SALE - 1 currently available
'LOVE' papercut - February 2012
 Intricate pattern inside the word LOVE especially for Valentine's Day
Handcut on red card & framed in a 4"x6" clear, acrylic, magnetic frame

12 January 2012

Personalised Baby Name Papercut

Floating baby name and date of birth - 8" x 10" framed.
Handcut on acid free paper.